Question by : change my camera settings to save with a different name?
My cousin used my samsung st-100 camera for a few days, now whenever i take pictures the camera saves the pictures with her name sam001 sam002, i formatted the memory card, checked camera settings everything but no matter what the camera keeps saving the pictures i take with her name sam, i think she put micro sd on her phone. any suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
You will have to read your cameras user manual to see.
My dSLR allows me to use any combination of letters and numbers in the first three slots I like
The shoot I will be on tomorrow will be S04_1234. The “S” stands for the venue and the 04 represents the month of the year. Of course, the last four numbers are the sequential frame numbers. The _ between the first three and last four show that the images are saved in the sRGB colour workspace.
Had the file looked like this “_S041234” I would know that the colour work space is in AdobeRGB
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