Sunday Morning Reflections: Flying Against the Wind


© Alexandr Vasilyev

Sunday Morning Reflections are essentially a process. At the core is me simply enjoying the effort of writing something that might be helpful, but not just for you as a reader. Often the process takes me to a topic I need help with myself.  It’s often therapeutic.

This morning’s “process” started with this quote:

“When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
Henry Ford
I wanted to find an appropriate image to go with the post. I started looking through Adobe’s Fotolia for small planes. I found the shot of the two kids above. It reminded me of an annual themed promotion Vicki Taufer used to do for children’s portraiture, “Little Aviators.” It’s also one of the more fun images I’ve seen from a stock house.

Finally, it’s time to get to the meat of a Sunday Morning Reflections post.  Right now, I have too much on my plate. What’s cool about feeling overwhelmed is knowing I’m not alone. For most of you, you’re in the heat of battle working on holiday orders and wrapping up the year. Throw in any personal challenges and the holiday season and we’re all going against the wind.
As usual, one idea leads to another and I found myself thinking about things that go against us, but in the end, actually help soar a little higher.

Think about all the challenges over the last year in trying to build and maintain your business. Each one, regardless of how painful, has served a purpose. Each challenge from cash flow to fear of failure to lack of confidence all hold a place as building blocks, and have made you stronger. Each obstacle you’ve had to overcome has tested your passion for the craft, not just as an artist but as a member of the business community.

Out of the chaos and difficulties you’ve had to work through have come some incredible friendships. Look back over the last year and think about a couple of people who helped you through the storms. They were able to help you because we all share many of the same concerns, and common worries help to build some uncommon friendships.

So, the next time you’re feeling like your problems are unique in your journey, remember you’re not alone. There are thousands of people out there dealing with the same challenges you’re facing. Getting to know those people is one of the greatest benefits of attending every convention you possible can, starting with the first convention of the season in San Antonio with IUSA!  (Sheila and I will both be there and looking forward to catching up to many of you.)

The opportunity to share ideas with each other, including how we deal with everything that’s thrown at us is what helps us soar a little higher.

Wishing you a day of time away from the business enjoying family and friends special to you. Take the time to relax and step away from December’s chaos. You can’t help everybody else, if you haven’t helped yourself. As always, go for those eleven-second therapeutic hugs and make a few new memories.

Note: My good buddy Brian Malloy gave me a bro-hug recently and started counting. It took me a second to realize what he was doing – going for that eleven seconds. In all honesty, I forgot about it and thought he was trying to pick my wallet! LOL Nothing beats great friendships.

Happy Sunday everybody!

SkipCohenUniversity – SCU Blog

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