NILMDTS – Photographer Recruitment Month


Click on this banner to find out how you can become a NILMDTS volunteer!

Melissa Bloom is a NILMDTS volunteer and while I love the part of her quote they pulled for the graphic above, her full quote really says it all:
“I volunteer for NILMDTS because I believe in giving others of our talents and gifts.  I know how precious the photographs of my own children are and how many times I’ve wanted to freeze time, just remembering every little moment, maybe even seconds.  

I’ve never lost a child, so I can only imagine the magnitude of having only moments to form a lifetime of memories.  That’s what I strive to give all of our NILMDTS clients.  Knowing that I can provide them with joy during such a heartbreaking time is fulfilling to me and gives so much purpose to my photography that reaches beyond NILMDTS, infusing the importance of my art into all the photos I take, for all my clients.”

For the last few years I’ve been a NILMDTS Ambassador, and while I’m proud to be a part of the organization, my little contribution pales in comparison to what each volunteer photographer brings to the families they help. I’ve shared a number of great guest posts over the years. Here’s the link to one of my favorites from the SCU archives by Christine Tripp, a NILMDTS photographer from Ottawa, Canada.

Click on either image to read her post as she shares her experiences and fears at going into her first NILMDTS session.

SkipCohenUniversity – SCU Blog

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