10 things photographer Chloe Ramirez loves

We love to shop around here and few things make us happier than discovering a new, must-have product. We are bringing our favorite photographers to you to share their favorite things so that we all can all get a peek inside their worlds and add their best-loved items to our own lists!

Today we have Chloe Ramirez, Click Pro and incredibly talented wedding and portrait photographer, joining us to share just a few of her favorite things.

three girls playing on bleachers

1. My girls

It may be a predictable answer but hey, I am a mom! These three ladies are my reason for everything I do so they made the list!

two people facing each other in light and shadow

2. Nikon D750

This full frame camera may be small but it is mighty! When I first held it in my hand I was skeptical. It was lighter than my D800 and much smaller. One afternoon of shooting later it’s the only camera I reach for.

The flip screen in the back is perfect for taking overhead shots to actually compose your shot. You know you’ve been holding your camera over your head and hoping for the best haha! Bonus: because it is lightweight it doesn’t hurt your back after a day of photographing!

woman sitting on sidewalk in overalls

3. My Madewell overalls

Hey hi! It’s me! I love my Madewell overalls so much. It took me awhile to jump on the bandwagon with this revival style because I thought it might make me look a bit dumpy. The Madewell overalls are high waist and hug my hips like a glove making them ultra-flattering to my figure. Cha ching! Here is my wallet Madewell.

girl laying on bed in dappled light

4. Dappled light

Dappled light has a bad reputation in the photography world. I get it, it can be challenging with its dark shadows and bright highlights. It’s easy to blow out the highlights or clip the blacks in the shadows.

However, challenges are good and what makes us grow as photographers. A few years back I was feeling uninspired and stagnant in my work. I took on a personal project where I photographed my kids in less-than-ideal light. It was a learning process but I found myself eager to pick up my camera because I was challenged and engaged.

Feeling uninspired? It might be time to push yourself and level up.

girl with hair blowing

5. Movement in photos

Whether it’s hair blowing in the wind or a family dancing on the bed to their favorite song, I am all in and ready to capture the action! It’s my favorite recipe to take a boring bland portrait and give it some oomph. Is everyone feeling awkward and stiff? Add some movement! Boring portrait of a kid? Add some wind and voila! Interesting portrait!

pink and orange flowers on a black background

6. Flowers

I love fresh flowers in a vase. Especially when I get to photograph them too. If you absolutely MUST buy me flowers,  I like peonies. My address is… haha!

family hugging on blanket in grass

7. Connecting with my subjects

There is nothing I hate more than showing-up to photograph complete strangers. I get to know my clients well before their session by giving them a questionnaire.

It’s not your average questionnaire though; all my questions are geared toward connection. It puts my clients heads and heart in the right place as well as gives me insight into who they are and how they love. Every time I get to know my clients I start caring about them, and when you care about something you always bring you’re A Game.

girl with hands in the air

8. Adventures with my family

Life can be so mundane with it’s daily routines of school work and activities. I like to shake it up often and explore new places with my family.

This photo was from a recent trip to Palm Springs California. We ventured out to Salvation Mountain and it is an absolute must see if you are ever in the area!

seven women taking a self portrait in bathroom mirror

9. My photographer friends

My friends are my lifeline. They are there for me through ups and downs. Whether it’s texting them in our shamelessly long group text sharing memes and funny antidotes or crying on their shoulder through a tough time. We are there for each other through thick and thin.

What started as a shared interest blossomed into a bond I cherish so much. My photography friends are now some of my best friends in the whole world and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Note: SO many people not pictured!

man and woman with ukulele laying on floor covered in albums

10. Music

Whether I am cooking dinner, commuting to a shoot or dancing in the living room with my girls, music is a huge part of my life.

Music has the power to transport you to another time and make you feel nostalgic.

It can empower you when you are feeling timid. Music can comfort you when you are sad or it can turn a party from boring to fun!

It’s a powerful and vital part of my life.

Fun random fact: I used to be in a rock band in high school.


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Clickin Moms blog: Helping you take better pictures one day at a time

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