10 inspiring tips from landscape photographer Antony Spencer | Phase One

In spite of his young age, Antony Spencer is already an award winning and well-respected landscape photographer. Based out of Dorset UK, Antony often travels…
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25 Responses to 10 inspiring tips from landscape photographer Antony Spencer | Phase One

  1. Phase One says:

    Award winning landscape photographer +Antony Spencer travels the world to
    capture amazing images. Antony is partial to the Arctic region and northern
    Scandinavia, capturing stunning Northern Light images and Ice scapes. He is
    also known to go storm chasing in Tornado Alley in the US.

    We visited Antony when he was back in the UK for a short while and we
    picked his brain for tips, tricks and techniques for capturing stunning
    landscape images.

    #IQ260 #PhaseOne #Nothernlight 

  2. Chris pilgrim says:

    oooh, a phase one. Only £14000. I do wish you guys would ‘tip’ with a
    camera amateurs use rather than a very expensive camera which is out of
    budget for most people. To say the old photos you took with a regular dslr
    weren’t up to snuff, doesn’t exactly fill your amateur viewers with
    Good tips but I’d rather you’d share your tips with equipment most of us
    use. Unless you’ve got a spare phase one, blimey! tut.

  3. Lukasz Lempart says:

    this is great!

  4. Teamwork Digital says:

    10 inspiring tips from landscape photographer, and friend of Teamwork,
    Antony Spencer

  5. Matthew Martin says:

    Brilliant tips! Thank you! 

  6. Austin Cooke says:

    does anyone know what filter system he is using?

  7. Danijel L says:

    Setting a mirror lock up on Phase One is easy, and yeah, on other cameras
    it takes enormous effort:)
    Sorry Phase One, Nikon D 800 pretty much killed your Rolls – Royce priced

  8. RemekTek2 says:

    Why not just secure the strap?

  9. Mike Leone says:

    Capture 13 Stops of light? Where did you get that from? DxO Mark? That
    is engineering stops (SNR of 1:1). In real life, you will not use the
    bottom 2 or 3 stops because there is too much noise. So real
    “photographers stops” is about 10 or 11 stops. 

  10. MatthewLeddy says:

    great video, one of my favourites – just started landscape photography
    myself, check out my website if you have time:

  11. Dave T says:

    Landscapes were what first attracted me to photography, and this video
    contains some great tips. I think I’m going to have to put some of these
    into action this year.

  12. Russell Wilcox says:

    Fine if you have a rich dad to help and sponsership and advice from Joe
    Cornish A very fortunate person unlike the rest of us….

  13. halfcastkiwi says:

    The best camera doesn’t make the best photographer.

  14. UncleDeadly75 says:

    So does anyone want give me £10,000 + for a Phase One setup?

  15. Sam Fisher says:

    As a student of phonology, I LOLed at 7:35 XD

  16. Ricardo Consonni says:

    W-O-W!!! Great tips! A master class in 8 minutes.

  17. febri manusiwa says:

    Landscape Photography Tips

  18. Funky Porcupine says:

    Landscape Photography Tips.

  19. Oswaldo Forster Rodrigues says:


  20. Photo Retouch Pro says:

    ▶ 10 inspiring tips from landscape photographer Antony Spencer | Phase One
    – YouTube

  21. Christopher Johnston says:

    Some good tips here. Take the advice about investing in equipment with a
    grain of salt, this is sponsored by an equipment maker. Yes, your files
    will be smaller, but your images also suck when you start. Using a Rebel to
    learn is better than waiting a decade until you can afford a Phase One.
    Also, think about what you want to shoot. For landscapes or portraits, a
    medium format is great. For sports and wildlife, not so much. 

  22. der pilger says:

    Landscape Photography Tips.

  23. Miguel K says:

    Landscape Photography Tips.

  24. Teamwork Digital says:

    Valuable landscape photography tips from Antony Spencer.

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